Book Information


To purchase GRANDMA’S WONDERFUL, AMAZING AND ASTOUNDING BAG just go to and type in my name, Jerilyn Jackson…. you will see both of my books there available on Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle..GOOD NEWS! You can order the app for your computer and even one for your smart phone! Only $3.99 for the children’s book (which is really for all ages!) and $2.99 for The Traveler’s Companion. Enjoy!

“Poof! Suddenly all four boys were inside the miniature airplane buzzing around the room!  Grandma and her mysterious bag had done it again. This would be a grand adventure indeed!”  Thus starts this fantasy adventure book for children ages 8-12 entitled Grandma’s Mysterious Bag.  This story revolves around Grandma’s tote bag and all the wondrous, impossible things which she pulls out of it. This particular adventure includes Washington D.C., some missing senators, bad guys, one of the boys missing, the rescues, and they all finish the adventure in time for dinner! (after they return to normal size!)


Order THE TRAVELER’S COMPANION directly from the author a, that’s me! Jerilyn Jackson…and for a limited time you’ll get free shipping! Just $12.50! Contact me:

“Have a friend going on vacation?  Moving?  Here’s the perfect gift!  I call it “The Traveler’s Companion.”  A small book,light to carry, and easy to slip into a pocket or bag.  It contains, in 600 words or fewer, daily devotionals which point to the true traveler’s Companion, Jesus. It’s contents are drawn from my 30 years of experiences traveling with Jesus through the mundane and the exotic. Since the central theme is walking, it should have a broad appeal to all those who look for God in their daily walks, whether in foreign places, or simply around the corner.  It is a gentle reminder that God is with us everywhere, loves us constantly, and seeks our full commitment in everyday life.”    Hope you enjoy it… was fun to write!

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